Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Love Comes In All Sizes

"Whoever said money can't buy love never bought a puppy." - unknown

This is Buddy. He is a young chihuahua rescue that I am caring for for a few weeks while his owners travel. He has completely won my heart. There is something so special about a tiny dog - I guess they are like little babies because they bring out the maternal instinct big - time.

Proportionately speaking, the chihuahua has a bigger brain than any other breed of dog. Although he may look like a wind up toy, he is very intelligent and quick to learn. He is sitting on my lap right now as I am writing these words. I am used to my big guys laying at my feet when I'm on my computer so this is a pleasant novelty for me. I think all small dogs like to be cuddled and carried and Buddy is no exception. If he was my dog, I would change his name to Moon-Doggie - don't know why but it sounds right when I say it . Isn't he just a cutie - patootie?!

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