Thursday, March 5, 2009

Through the Eyes of a Child

My very cute Lucky Lukie

"The pursuit of truth and beauty is an activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives." - Albert Einstein

This is another fellow that I would want at my dinner party. So far, I have 2 guests of honor: Albert Einstein and William Shakespeare. I think they would complement each other and, hopefully, enjoy each other's company. This is a party for twelve including myself so only room for 9 more guests. I am not even going to think about the menu until my guest list is complete.

Today my featured dog friend is Lukie. Another pet psychic story - when Lukie was small, he asked the psychic if he was staying with me?? I had not told the psychic that I was only training him and raising him until he was 5 months old and then he would be leaving to live with a friend of mine in Canada. When I told this to the psychic, she said that he planned on misbehaving badly if he had to leave me and that he was happy right where he was. Now the funny thing is, is that after this visit, he remained healthy but stopped growing. He was very small for his age and his soon to be new owner wanted a big male Bouvier, not a mini - Bouv.

When it came time for Lukie to leave, the owner came to the farm and said that he did not want him because he was so very small so he returned to Canada without a dog. I swear that on that day Lukie began to grow rapidly until he reached a normal Bouvier size. I am convinced that he stopped growing because he knew it was the only way he could stay with us forever. Once the danger of leaving was not imminent, he went back to the business of growing up. I have been breeding and training Bouvs for over 30 years and never witnessed anything like this before. Personally, I would have loved him to stay a mini-Bouv because he was so cuddly and cute but he is still cute just bigger. So that is Lukie's story - how smart is he? If you ask me, then I will say he is very scary smart!

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